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In this virtual Reading Group, which runs roughly in parallel to the local group, you can study Plato’s ‘Meno’ in an interactive small group on Zoom. The young and impetuous Meno opens the dialogue with a question: can virtue be taught? The ensuing conversation touches on a wide range of important ethical issues, which we explore and discuss together. You can develop a good understanding of Platonic thinking and hone your critical thinking. All you need is to be willing to read the dialogue (in translation, about 40 pages). I could provide you with a copy of the text.
5 meetings on Tuesdays, 12.30–14.00 BST (UTC+1) on Zoom.
Dates: 10 May, 17 May, 24 May, 31 May, 7 June.
The cost for all meetings is £90.
Please sign up by telephone or e-mail.