I offer a range of philosophical activities.
Individual Consultations
In dialogue, you can explore questions about your life with me: perhaps you must come to terms with significant life events, or you would like to talk through a relevant decision. Or you perhaps wonder whether you make right choices. I accompany and assist your reflections, and aim to stimulate new ways of thinking that may benefit you. Our conversations are a time to think about things that matter to you.
It is deep, personal thinking. See further Philosophical Counselling.
Courses & Study Groups
In a series of weekly meetings, you can explore philosophy in a small group. The central idea is to think through a range of issues in discussion, and to connect them to your own life. You can learn to philosophize, become acquainted with philosophical ideas and concepts, and engage with others who share your enthusiasm.
It is slow thinking. See further under events.
Discussion Events
These are single meetings, sometimes called ‘Salons’ or ‘Cafés’, that focus on a specific philosophical and topical theme. You can join a lively debate, express your ideas, and listen to those of others.
It is thinking in action. See further under events.